Portal 3 (and others) confirmed
Here at Synapse, Valve has always been an underlying theme in some of my articles, be it with their upcoming gaming device Steam machine (see best game console) or the fact that they are notoriously known for only taking any successful game series to up to 2 games, Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, Half life and Half life 2, Portal and Portal 2.
Valve has in recent history been known for leaking information that later proves to be false, as can be seen in the video below, as featured in the article linked above;
However, unannounced Valve has released what is believed to be the works of Portal 3 still in Alpha stages (the first test). Rumours stated that they were working upon new graphic rather than the one’s they developed in late 20th early 21st century which up to a few years ago was considered beyond or of it’s time.
Portal is a game where you are a subject in a huge facility known as Aperture laboratories, that is run by a psychotic and sadistic artificial intelligence called Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System or GLaDOS for short. Not only did you have to overcome her and her wish to see you dead, but you also had to complete a series of test chambers designed to kill you as well. It is the best selling puzzle game of the 21st century.
It is also well known for it’s dark sense of humor and addictive game play. It has both a single player and co-operative game mode making it one of the greatest video games to hit this century. And as you can guess, it is named after the fact that you solve most of the puzzles using a set of portals (worm holes) which connects to area’s of the map via this hole which can be accessed by both sides.
Although, one should note that although Half life 3 wasn’t released in the fall of 2013, it along side Left 4 Dead 3 are confirmed to be in development as can be seen below;
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