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Posts Tagged ‘Kevin Costner’
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June 26, 2014

3 Days to Kill – Movie Review

3 Days to Kill epitomises the sub-par action films of today. It’s overcome by sloppy, laughable dialogue and has one of the weakest family orientated plots I’ve ever seen on the big screen. It all feels like a cheaper ‘Taken’, the only difference being that this film is injected with bits from ‘Crank’. It’s a dull, incomprehensible film. This film is so off balanced that it felt like it had two directors. In its entirety, 3 Days to Kill is the worst film of 2014 so far and is a shoddy piece of filmaking.

Kevin Costner, yes Kevin Costner, plays a CIA agent whose recruited by a mysterious woman to kill for her; the reward being a serum [...]

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January 26, 2014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – Movie plot and review [SPOILERS]

Jack Ryan movie plot and review

I’m not one to care for spy thrillers or action films, but I must confess that Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit was one of the best action films I’ve seen for a long time. It’s funny, smart and modern, it works well.

 The story is about an American analyst (Jack Ryan – played by Chris Pine) who quit university during their PHD and joins the US military, only to be  severely injured causing months of recovery, in which he never fully recovers. He is then confronted by someone from the CIA (played by Kevin Costner) who asks Jack to join them, and to spend his time behind a desk in [...]

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